Social Responsibility

Supporting society and embracing change|

At Nasstar, our social responsibility agenda is simple: to deliver innovative and sustainable technology solutions that benefit everyone, while striving to achieve equality for each person who interacts with our business.

Our customers, employees and communities are the cornerstones of our business and we’re committed to delivering value for them, while ensuring we act as a responsible business leader at every opportunity.

Like many technology businesses, it’s important for us to recognise the impact we are having both on the environment and the wider community. With this information, we can improve our business and processes, give back to causes that matter and ensure our organisation is constantly learning and evolving across several important initiatives.
Reducing our Environmental Impact

Just as the digital revolution transformed how we live and work, so too will sustainability, driving new opportunities for our clients, partners, and our people. In the wake of climate change and the devastating impact this is having on the world around us, we have made sustainability one of our greatest responsibilities.

When it comes to technology, we’re proud to be delivering solutions that contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future for all. Our platforms are sustainable by design, utilising some of the most environmentally friendly public cloud technologies available today.

Considering our environmental impact both in the workplace and wider society is critical, and we’re committed to several initiatives that support our vision of inclusive and greener IT:

ISO 14001 Certification: Environmental Management
Work from home actively encouraged with the closure of multiple offices
Cloud-based software that ensures less heat and noise pollution
Removal of data centres in favour of public cloud alternatives using energy efficient infrastructure
Goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 32% by 2025
Energy efficient offices
Electric company car scheme
Supplier due diligence to ensure we work with those that can demonstrate their own environmental initiatives

Read our carbon reduction plan

Commitment to Community & Charitable Giving

Supporting our local communities and delivering lasting change to larger charities is something we encourage across our workforce, in addition to the financial contributions we make on behalf of the business.

We pledge to donate 120 days per year of voluntary time, enabling our employees to take time out to volunteer for charitable causes close to their heart, fully paid for by Nasstar.

Every year we ask our employees to vote for a charity they would like the company to support. In 2022, the Nasstar Charity of the Year is Cancer Research UK (CRUK). Over the course of the year, we will be holding fundraising events, providing donations, and encouraging our employees to give back to society by either volunteering or fundraising for CRUK.
About Nasstar’s Charity of the Year 2022 – Cancer Research UK

With 1 in 2 of us now expected to get cancer in our lifetime, Cancer Research UK is on a mission to beat cancer. They fund scientists, doctors, and nurses to help find cures, fundraise across the country to help further develop research and provide valuable information to anyone who is affected by cancer.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
As a business that has grown via acquisition, a significant focus for us has been establishing a collective culture for our employees. This includes the work we do in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our current agenda involves establishing a sense of community among our workforce. We want our people to feel valued and be recognised for embodying the Nasstar values. In today’s society, we are acutely aware of the importance of wellbeing, and as such, we have trained a team of volunteers in becoming mental health first aiders. This initiative provides our people with access to a safe space where they can talk about anything they wish to, without judgement or negative impact.
Gender Equality

One area of particular focus is our investment in women. As a cloud services specialist, we operate in an industry where 75% of professionals are male – this means there is plenty of work to be done to bring a better balance and more gender diversity to our teams.

We are working to expand female representation across our business by increasing the number of female candidates we reach when recruiting, and further improving our working environment with an internally appointed Women in Technology working group. This group is identifying what we can do to make sure women are supported to develop their careers with us.

We are committed to supporting the continued growth of women at Nasstar through proactive succession planning for key positions in the business, ensuring that each of our employees has the opportunity to complete a personal development plan and the creation of a management training programme for new and potential managers.

To ensure our employees’ views are heard and actioned, we have created the ‘Nasstar People Forum’; a group of employee representatives from across the business who act as the voice of the wider workforce, delivering feedback, questions, and suggestions to the senior management team for actioning. We also have an anonymous feedback platform that is available to everyone and acts as a virtual suggestion box.
Diversity & Inclusivity

As an inclusive employer, we are proud to employ professionals from all walks of life. We have created a diverse workforce that brings people from all communities together, with no discrimination against a person’s age, religion, disability, ethnicity, gender, educational background, sexual orientation, or physical abilities.

In addition, we are committed to implementing a variety of pledges and covenants that demonstrate our objective of widening opportunity and representation in our business. These include the Disability Confident Scheme, Mental Health at Work Commitment, Armed Forces Covenant and the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Working Forward Community.

Rest Less Age Diverse Employer 2022

Inclusivity in tech – a first hand story
Education & Training

At Nasstar, we are passionate about training and development. We believe that upskilling our people is one of the best ways to ensure our employees can further their career development, while also allowing us to stand out from the competition. Our employees are encouraged to keep abreast of emerging technology and best practice so they can become the digital experts our customers need.

We support a wide range of professional qualifications including training and certifications from industry-leading technology providers. Our team also has access to an immersive, online training and development platform that delivers training across a broad spectrum of topics including tech & dev, compliance, leadership, time management and more.
Join the Nasstar Team

You’ll be able to progress professionally – and personally – in all kinds of ways at Nasstar.