Cyber Security

There is no silver bullet to solve cyber crime|

Effective cyber security is about walking the fine line between maintaining your defences versus keeping your business running efficiently and profitably.

Security incidents can occur at any time of day or night. The threats you face are evolving constantly. Get your defences wrong and you risk reputational damage, regulatory breaches and spiralling costs. Get them right, and nobody notices a thing.

At Nasstar we understand the security pressures you’re facing, and we have the award-winning services and solutions you need to permanently transform your defences.

By combining robust protective technologies, ongoing monitoring, testing and scanning across your entire IT estate, dedicated audit and compliance capabilities and 24/7 incident response, with Nasstar you can feel reassured that you’re protected.

We help organisations out-step attackers every single day.

Cyber Security as a Service
Award winning, straight talking cyber security

Cyber Security Professional Services
Insight and Expert Advice

Cyber Security Incident Response Team
In the event of a breach – we are here, 24/7